The DMARC Dilemma: Why It Fails and How to Fix It

The DMARC Dilemma: Why It Fails and How to Fix It

Why is DMARC failing?

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) failure can occur for various reasons. Here’s a breakdown of common issues that cause DMARC failures:

1. Incomplete or Incorrect SPF and DKIM Records

DMARC relies on two email authentication technologies: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). SPF allows the owner of a domain to specify which mail servers are permitted to send email on behalf of their domain. DKIM uses a pair of cryptographic keys to sign emails, enabling the receiver to verify that an email was indeed sent and authorized by the domain owner.


  • Incomplete SPF Records: Organizations may not fully list all legitimate email-sending IP addresses in their SPF records.
  • Misconfigured DKIM: Incorrectly set up DKIM keys can lead to authentication failures.


  • Regularly review and update SPF records to include all authorized IP addresses.
  • Ensure DKIM keys are properly generated and published in DNS records, and periodically rotate these keys.

2. Misalignment

When DMARC fails due to alignment issues, it means that the SPF or DKIM checks did not meet the domain alignment requirements specified by DMARC. DMARC alignment requires that the domains used in SPF(return path) and DKIM checks align with the domain in the “From” header of the email. 


  • Misalignment: Misalignment between the “From” address and the sending domain used by third-party services.


  • Work with third-party providers to ensure they support DMARC and align their practices with your domain’s authentication requirements.

3. Lack of Monitoring and Reporting

Many organizations struggle with DMARC implementation, particularly the ongoing process of DMARC monitoring. DMARC itself is a fantastic email authentication protocol that protects your domain from spoofing and phishing attacks. But to truly harness its power, you need to understand and effectively utilize DMARC reports. ProDMARC simplifies the DMARC monitoring process. Instead of wrestling with raw XML data, you get a user-friendly dashboard that presents all the crucial information you need.


  • Ignoring Reports: Some organizations set up DMARC without configuring the appropriate email addresses to receive reports.
  • Data Overload: The volume of reports can be overwhelming, leading to important issues being overlooked.


  • Use ProDMARC tools and services to parse and analyze DMARC reports, making it easier to identify and address issues.

4. Gradual Implementation Challenges

Transitioning to a strict DMARC policy can be challenging. DMARC policies range from “none” (just monitoring) to “quarantine” (flagging suspicious emails) to “reject” (blocking unauthorized emails). Many organizations struggle to move from a monitoring-only policy to a more restrictive one.


  • Too Fast Transition: Moving to a strict policy(reject) too quickly can lead to legitimate emails being rejected.
  • Stagnation at Monitoring Stage: Some organizations never progress beyond the “none” policy, leaving them vulnerable.


  • Gradually tighten the DMARC policy by starting with “none,” then moving to “quarantine,” and finally “reject,” while continuously monitoring and adjusting.
  • Communicate changes internally and externally to ensure legitimate senders adjust their practices accordingly.

5. Complex Email Ecosystems

Modern organizations often use multiple third-party services to send emails on their behalf, such as marketing platforms, CRM systems, and helpdesk solutions. Each of these services needs to be properly authenticated.


  • Unaccounted Services: Forgetting to include all third-party services in SPF and DKIM records.


  • Maintain an inventory of all third-party email services and ensure each one is included in your SPF and DKIM configurations.

ProDMARC: Your DMARC Solution

Implementing DMARC can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. ProDMARC offers a comprehensive solution to help you overcome the DMARC challenges. With features like:

  • Automated Configuration: Easily set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records.
  • Intelligent Reporting: Analyze DMARC reports to uncover valuable insights.
  • Monitoring: Gain visibility into your email traffic and identify potential threats.
  • Prevent Email Fraud: Protect your brand and customers from phishing, spoofing, and other email-borne attacks. 
  • Improve Email Deliverability: Enhance your email sender reputation and increase inbox placement rates.
  • False Positive Management: Minimize disruptions caused by false positives.
  • Expert Support: Access to cybersecurity professionals for consultation and guidance.

By partnering with ProDMARC, you can streamline your DMARC implementation, protect your brand, and enhance your email security posture.

Ready to take control of your email security? Book a demo with ProDMARC today and discover how our solution can help you achieve DMARC success.